The inevitable schedule-thwarting that is the holidays has turned this post into 2 parital weeks of OOTDs all mushed together:
Alala flash tee in black
Splits59 nova trailblazer capri in hyper
Heavy squat day! We did the 10-8-6-4-2 rep scheme, with ascending weight such that every set feels difficult. The first time I did a rep scheme like this, I was hoping that decreasing the reps would make each set feel a little more bearable than the last.
NOPE. They all suck. A lot.
Splits59 vail cutout pullover in mariana blue
YogaSmoga my racer back in lime lite
YogaSmoga tippy toe leggings in violet twilight
Some days, I grab something colorful and then something in my brain snaps and I just pile on obnoxious layer after obnoxious layer. This was one of those days.
We did a workout with squat cleans and strict handstand push-ups. This was the day after the heavy front squat situation–GOD WHY. On the plus side, even though I had to scale the crap out of the cleans, I was able to do all 30 of the HSPU strict as prescribed–not very many other people did. I can’t beat people at many things in crossfit, but darn if I can’t crush me some HSPU. I take what I can get.
Lululemon forme jacket in mini check pique
Lululemon cool racerback in bumble berry
Alala victory bootcut pants in black
Another heavy day, this time deadlifts.
Deadlifts continue to be the bane of my existence. I have no idea why. I just cannot PR the stupid lift. Go die in a fire, deadlift.
Lululemon chai time pullover in pigment blue
Lululemon wunder under pants in coco pique
DV by Dolce Vita “Nathan” suede OTK boots
A friend invited me out to the casual restaurant-bar-thing that has my favorite burger, and of course I didn’t reach for real clothes, because who needs those. Plus, heeled tall boots make up for a multitude of sartorial sins.
Also, pigment. <3
Lululemon forme jacket in mini check pique
Lululemon cool racerback in bumble berry
Lululemon speed shorts in fatigue camo
I must’ve changed my outfit like 9 times before finally settling on this one. I wanted to wear my camo speeds, but couldn’t decide if it looked weird with bumble berry or not. In fact, I still can’t decide. I think fatigue camo definitely does better with brighter colors.
But yes, I wore speeds. In December. And it was awesome.
I decided to skip town and make an impromptu drive down to Sedona with my dogs. It was an unseasonably warm day, with a high of 65 there with full sun–um, yes please.
We went to Fay Canyon, a short, flat hike on the west side of town. My dogs are not particularly young, have short legs, and are really anxious about new environments, which makes for slow going. 2.5 totally flat miles was the best option with them in tow.
The Fay Canyon trail essentially hikes out and back in the hollow part of a “U” formed by these red rocks. The trail crosses a lot of dried up creek beds that water rushes through during the summer monsoons. As you hike further in, the plants progressively become taller, denser, and greener.
By the end, things were pretty lush and wet by Sedona standards. The air smelled wet, fresh, and crisp, and even in December, there was some bright green vegetation (and even some GRASS, holy crap!) hanging around. The vibrant green created a nice contrast against the red rocks.
Also: at the beginning of the trail, there was a sign that said a bear had recently been seen in the vicinity. Hence part of this title: Not Eaten By Bears. Always a good day. Thanks, guard dogs.
Lululemon swiftly long sleeve in space dye pigment blue
Alala captain crops in cobalt
The last dose of blues is a double dose–I love this combo.
We were working on a new 1RM jerk. Jerks have always been tough for me because the primitive part of my brain thinks placing your head squarely underneath a large and rapidly moving weight is a bit of a horrifying proposition. Ah, the mental battles…
I hadn’t done a heavy single jerk in a very long time, so I wasn’t quite sure where I’d be. I crushed my old PR of 80# with a new split jerk of 95#. That means I’m incredibly close to reaching my goal of a bodyweight jerk, a goal I’ve had for a long time. (I finally landed a bodyweight clean a couple months ago.)
The best part was that one of my trainers told me she was really impressed with my speed under the bar. It always feels good to hit a PR with a solid lift, and definitely makes me feel like I’m making progress with my olympic lift technique.
I love your strong looking legs and I swear I’m not a creepy stalker. They are awesome in the cobalt and pink splits59 capris.
Haha you don’t sound like a creepy stalker. :) I’ve actually gained something like 3-5 lbs this year (the good kind of weight gain), which I think is due to the more intense programming at this gym. Most of that weight has been in my legs. My jeans fit better now, lol.
Beautiful trail – wish I could visit something like that in the middle of winter near by! cute outfits too!
Yes, I’ve sacrificed living in a bigger metro area (no such thing as shopping here, really), but at least I can do things like this. :) You win some, you lose some…
How have the alala blue crops held up for durability? I know at one point you were concerned over snagging the mesh? Are the splits59 crops pretty thick and durable as well? Nice job in the new PRs!!! PS – go watch the Rogue video of Lauren Fisher doing a Clean & Jerk at something like 250 pounds. Ah-mah-zing.
The crops have held up really well so far! No snags or anything. My Splits crops have held up pretty well, too. My 2-year old pair of novas is still going strong, no pilling, although it does have some threads sticking out of the lame strip. Also, I noticed the reflective piping on my pink pair is cracked a bit–not sure what’s up with that, considering it’s never happened on my older pair.
And yeah, Lauren Fisher gets under the bar SO WELL. You can really see what people mean when they say “pull yourself under the bar” in her videos.
Your progress is totally inspiring. I just started doing Crossfit in June and I really enjoy it. I’ve been more focused on learning the form and techniques, but we did a deadlift 10-6-4-2-1 set a couple of weeks ago for PRs. I got to the last rep and totally had a mental block even though both I and my trainer knew I could lift the weight. He racked up a bar with 150% the weight and set it on the stand at waist level then had me lift it to chest level and hold for 10 seconds (longest 10 seconds ever >_<). After I shook it out, and caught my breath, I deadlifted the original weight like it was a pillow. Pretty crazy what the mind and body can do together.
Thanks Jenn! People use a similar technique for squatting: you do a “walkout” with a heavier weight on your back and just stand there for a little bit, no squatting. Then, when you load your working weight, it doesn’t feel so bad. Totally a mental game! Maybe I will try that with my deadlift. In my case, I’m not sure if it’s a mental thing or a technique issue at this point. I SHOULD have the posterior chain strength for bigger weights. I don’t even know…