So I’ve said a couple of times that I would’ve expected flaming tomato to make some major appearances in October, since the major colors for September were other things. WELL, it’s October and it’s STILL not here. I’m wondering if flaming tomato will end up like neon pink: just one or two items and some accents, but nothing else. There’s still time, but it’s highly suspicious (and disappointing) that the FT situation has been extremely sparse so far.
And overall, I expected more excitement from a first-upload-of-the-month. It was alright, but somehow didn’t seem as exciting as the beginning of the month usually is. Maybe it’s just because it’s cloudy today and my brain doesn’t want to be excited about things.
New fuel green swiftlies: Canada got this short sleeve, and both US and Can got the racerback.
Black grape bhakti yoga jacket in Canada. They also got the coco pique, US got neither.
In Canada: heathered toothpaste scuba. Canada also has the fuel green and green teal scubas.
Varsity plaid wunder under pants (denim luon). I can’t decide if I HATE these or if they’re just meh.
Jumbo inky floral inkwell wunder under pants, as seen in a Canada store in the previous post today.
And I had mentioned I wanted crops…
Well, Canada got crops! Not in the US yet, but they do exist, which is both exciting and horrifying.
Run times shorts lovers got lucky with both rocky road (4-way) and berry yum yum plaid (2-way). No new speeds this week on either US or Canada. Too bad, I wanted to see if my reflective speeds price prediction was right…
New anytime skirt in hyperstripe medium grey/ghost on the US side. At 20.5-21.5″, this will be an awkward length on petite ladies (17″ hits just above my knee), and the bubble hem can’t be altered.
Coco pique run with me neck warmer (US only, although Canada got an osaka stripe version that US did not). A matching run with me toque has been seen in stores, and a matching ear warmer was uploaded in Europe earlier today.
Other upload notes:
– Fleecy keen jackets uploaded in all 3 colors, naturally
– Berry yum yum in the flow crops, complete with awkward-looking stock photos
– Canada got the coco pique vinyasa scarf
– The purple fog CRB made it to both US and Canada
– Canada got all the race your pace 1/2 zip and long sleeves we’ve seen so far, but the US is still lagging behind on 1/2 zip colors and only got black grape (no coco pique or fuel green hyperstripe)
– STILL no signs of the promised free to be wild comeback
– Black swan rebel runner crops appeared on the US side (already in Canada previously)
– Canada got the radiant long sleeve
– But the US still hasn’t gotten the anytime dress
– Both sides got the new blizzard parka
– The US got the petal camo embossed fuel green gym to win duffel
re the upload – yes, what you said!! i didn’t end up getting anything this week, but i still love to come and see your posts and then loop back to read the comments. awesome job as always!
:) Thanks! I didn’t get anything either–sad day!
Where’s FTBW??? LOL! I’m sure you’re tired of me coming on here and asking the same question. But I did get my black swan/grape rebel runners. I almost missed them because they bunched them in at the top with the jackets!
It’s ok, I can forgive you for being a bit of a broken record. :P
If you don’t mind I’m going to join in with the stuck record questions.
Where is the BB CRB for Canada? It’s still not here!!! Apparently it’s been seen in shops, but I have a five and a half hour round trip to get to my nearest LLL and I’m not going to be able to do that for a few weeks so I just have to keep waiting for it on the web site.
Are you positive the plaid wunder unders are denim? I bought them because it said full on luon. I really don’t like denim so hoping that’s not the case. Thanks so much!
It was partially assumption (since most prints have been denim-textured lately, for luon that is), so I’m not TOTALLY sure, but I looked at some closeups:$pdp_main$ It does look denim-ish to me there, which is why I said that. I guess we’ll see!
It does kinda look denimish there :(. Lately prints are denim or luxtreme. Such a bummer. What happened to the good old days of luon printed pants?
Last year they made some regular luon prints but they were polyester-y and most were reeeeally sheer, so they probably got complaints about it.
Did you get your order yet? I saw someone mention yesterday that they got theirs and they’re not denim after all!
i’ll help you out here: you hate them. i hate them. we ALL should hate them.
Yes! They are just awful !
Tell us how you REALLY feel.
unsurprisingly, i’ve always been really horrible with that whole “tact” concept.
It’s ok, it’s the internet, almost no one has tact here. ;)
My cart is quite hefty right now so I must make some decisions. Glad the gym to win is a little too shiny for my liking, easy pass. Where are the solid fuel green items? I’m definitely getting rebel runners in black grape. Tempted by the plaid run times but ugh, 2 way stretch.
Yeah, a solid green CRB would be lovely, for one! And yeah, plaids are always 2-way–I prefer 4-way, but I manage to suck it up for the occasional nice pair. :)
I ended up w the grape rebel runners, the petal camo 4 way run times, and the berry yum yum in the flows. I just don’t find myself reaching for bold
Bottoms anymore. For my plaid tracker IIs today to run and was reminded why I don’t like 2 way!
Sounds like the timing of your run saved you a few bucks. :) I kind of want the black grape rebel runners, those seem to be a popular choice tonight!
AA, I hope your flaming tomato prediction is wrong. All I want is a flaming tomato Rulu long sleeve top. And a vinyasa! (Can you imagine that!!) love the FT & toothpaste waistband on the wunder under pants. Wish it was on the grooves instead.
I hope it’s wrong too! But at this point, my optimism is diminishing. : I’d like a flaming tomato CRB, I think. :)
The vinyasa would be stunning!
ha…awkward looking ‘in the flow’ photos…
the tall blonde model looks great but I think it’s very unflattering to have her model in the flow crops. they just look totally awkward on her.
Totally agree. Not sure exactly what it is aside from the loose hems, but….not the best product “advertisement”, lol.
maybe it’s because [she looks likes] she’s 5’10” and they hit her in the most awkward place right at her knees. and yes, the loose hem is weird, I guess because of where the hem hits. and it makes her look knock kneed. she looks great in every other product. you’d think the ?stylist would pay attention to that.
The ebb to street tank in flaming tomato is stunning! I really really hope it comes in the crb soon. Along with rugged blue and the new osaka stripes.
Bought the jumbo inky florals wunder under pants (finally stopped kicking myself in the head for missing out on the speed tights) and the black grape rebel runner crops. Keeping. One. Pair. Only.
I swear, this is how LLM punishes me for not buying items on the Tues nights they are released: LLM slowly ships the items out of Ohio instead of Washington, and I have to wait seven days instead of two. Pure unadulterated evil at work here.
Jealous of everyone who got the black grape rebel runner crops! I was so tempted, but I just don’t wear crops a lot for running. Didn’t get anything last night but last week I picked up the Run for Gold 1/2 zip in Mauvelous since I had a gift card. I’ve never bought a Luxtreme running top and usually only buy rulu–the only tops that don’t ride up with Luxtreme bottoms–but I’ve been testing the top by running back and forth in my hallway and don’t think it will ride up (I got a size up though). I like that it is part mesh & lightweight so I can wear it when it’s too chilly for a tank but too warm for rulu.
ran in the run for gold 1/2 zip recently, bottoms were the pleat skirt. it stayed down for me! it’s an 8, my crb size is 6. I really liked the top; hope it works for you!
Good to know since I really wanted to keep it. Thanks!