Only a portion of the new stuff we've been seeing glimpses of this week actually made it to tonight's upload. Overall, it wasn't as big as it could've (should've?) been for the first Tuesday of the month, especially considering everything that's been floating around. I guess we'll have to wait for the coming weeks to wait for more to trickle in. The only thing on my wishlist tonight is the ...
lululemon uploads
Upload 10/28: Reflectivity + WTF Is Boom Juice?
I don't know if it was just my computer, but upload seemed to be just a few minutes late. As everyone probably suspected, the reflective gear was the highlight (get it?!) of upload today. Other than that, there wasn't very much that was interesting. The fleet street hoodie is one piece we haven't seen in stores yet. Only the US got this, but for $178, I'm not sure any Canadians are crying ...
Upload 10/21: A Little Late + Speeds Close Call + Rocky Road Twinsies
Curse you, lulu, I should be making dinner right now, but instead I spent like half an hour hitting refresh. I guess they were delaying upload to be sure there weren't any tech catastrophes like last week? At least I didn't have any issues with the site this week, thankfully. Anyway, transitional pieces were, yet again, the highlight of this week's upload. US got most of the new &go stuff ...
Upload 10/14: Glitchy, Glitchy
Had a horrible time with the website today: I logged in and added a FTBW to my cart, went through the whole song and dance, and got stuck on the "processing" step for several minutes. I got the email from PayPal saying I had authorized the payment, but no confirmation from lulu either by email or on my browser. I went to try again and couldn't get my cart OR the FTBW product page to load, just ...
Upload 10/7: Where Is Flaming Tomato Anyway?
So I've said a couple of times that I would've expected flaming tomato to make some major appearances in October, since the major colors for September were other things. WELL, it's October and it's STILL not here. I'm wondering if flaming tomato will end up like neon pink: just one or two items and some accents, but nothing else. There's still time, but it's highly suspicious (and ...
Upload 9/30: Cold Weather Layers + Hellz Yes Coco Pique
You guys didn't I say how I wanted a coco pique vinyasa??? I think I did. I definitely thought it. WELL IT EXISTS NOW. And I definitely said how excited I was about the prospect of coco pique being used heavily this season, which apparently it is. <flail> Oh also: the canucks got the shaft again, this is US only. As of this writing, 35 min after upload, it's still in stock, probably ...