The radiant long sleeve crossover thing is in stores (show in angel white), and so is the re-release of the high times tech mesh crops. [Lululemon Kitchin Place] Bordeaux drama radiant long sleeve and high times tech mesh. [Lululemon Keystone] [Lululemon Bethlehem] Angel white radiant long sleeve. I'm curious if angel white is different from angel wing, or if it's just a rename. ...
Activewear News
Inkwell Inky Floral Speed Tights + Run With Me Toque + More
Jumbo inkwell inky floral speed tights. [Lululemon Polo Park] More inkwell inky floral speed tights. [Lululemon Station Park] Heathered black wee stripe race your pace 1/2 zip and heathered bordeaux drama run with me toque. [Lululemon Polo Park] Fuel green ebb to street bra. [Lululemon Georgetown] Black swan/grape sattva pants. [Lululemon Roosevelt ...
Goods in Rust Berry + Fuel Green + More
Rust berry 105F singlet and inkwell seek the heat crops. [Lululemon Garden State Plaza] Rust berry (or is it bordeaux drama? I always guess wrong.) cocoon car coat. [Lululemon Mapleview Mall] Fuel green ebb to street pants with white yogi racerback. [Lululemon Plaza Frontenac] ...And with the sweater the better layered on top. [Lululemon Plaza Frontenac] [Lululemon Fort ...
Upload 9/30: Cold Weather Layers + Hellz Yes Coco Pique
You guys didn't I say how I wanted a coco pique vinyasa??? I think I did. I definitely thought it. WELL IT EXISTS NOW. And I definitely said how excited I was about the prospect of coco pique being used heavily this season, which apparently it is. <flail> Oh also: the canucks got the shaft again, this is US only. As of this writing, 35 min after upload, it's still in stock, probably ...
New Overseas + Deal Notes
First, a couple quick notes: Insightful Athlete is having a blog sale. If you're a size 4-6, you might find some goodies there. Splits59 also has some deep markdowns running on their summer stuff. The prices are awesome, but be aware that everything is final sale! Second, Asia Pacific upload! Haven't seen anything yet for Europe but I will update this post if I do. My apologies for the ...
Berry Cocoon Car Coat + Laser Cut Forme Jacket + More
New cocoon car coat in bumble/rust berry. This is way prettier than the others. [Lululemon Halifax] [Lululemon Trolley Square] [Lululemon Knox Street] Laser cut forme jacket details. [Lululemon Harbor East] [Lululemon Knox Street] Laser cut wunder under crops and forme. [Lululemon Mall in Columbia] Black sweater the better and fuel green ebb to street pants. [Lululemon ...