The world of lululemon resale can be a big, scary place. But, when harnessed properly, it is also a magical place. This guide will help you avoid rookie mistakes and become a pro in no time.
To start with the basics, read about Where to Buy and Sell.
If you’re in the market to buy and want some guidance and tips, check the Buyer’s Guide.
If you’re ready to sell some of your unloved lulu, start by reading about Listing Your Item, then move on to the Shipping Guide to make the selling process as smooth as possible.
If something in this guide isn’t clear or doesn’t answer a question you have, ask in the comments or by contacting me at agentathletica .at. gmail .dot. com.
This guide will be updated, revised, and added to regularly. Major updates will be noted in a post in the main section of the blog. I am always open to feedback on what should be added, changed, or dumped.