The sea-me run collection was the big focus for the US upload this week. Canada’s upload didn’t have much of a theme, just a little of this and that. The colors in the US were mostly focused on clear mint, blue tropics, prickly pear print, and various star crushed prints, but Canada has a little but of just about everything.
As I said, lots of sea-me run stuff today: crops, singlet, tight shorts, shorts, and long sleeve. Katelin mentioned last week on the “What We Love” thread that she’s not sure if/when this capsule will be in Canada.
Lots of free to be wild bras: black cherry in the US and electric coral plus new vintage green/minty grey in Canada.
More new vintage green: scuba hoodie in Canada.
The top speed bra is back, and look, a rare smiling model sighting! ;)
Cute new weekend short sleeve in white parallel stripe. There’s also a black parallel stripe version.
Cyber stripe silver fox showed up on the new city kick it pants in Canada. Since the UK got the high times in this print, maybe these two things mean North America will see the Aussie cyber stripe high times soon.
Canada got the new heathered bordeaux drama vinyasa spotted in Australia this week.
Other upload notes:
– I really like the blue tropics energy bra from the front, but the striped straps are a little busy, so I’m skipping this one for now.
– Deep navy and sugar crush CRBs are in the US. Canada got clear mint and moody mirage.
– It looks like tall length skirts aren’t getting shafted: the star crushed multi pace rival is now available in tall.
– Speaking of taller lengths, the heathered blue tropics run times shorts are in the US.
– US also got the new nimbus puff speed shorts. These were already in Canada. No size 2!
– Yes, more moody mirage: the bark berry WUP are in the US now.
– Bag drop for the US: star crushed traveling yogini rucksack, hip to be free bags, and runaway retreat duffels.
– As promised last week, Canada got the bordeaux drama on the daily hoodie.
– Cashew fo drizzle jacket is now in Canada.
– The cut above dress from Canada stores is also now online in Canada.
– The black cherry high times with the mesh accent on the side uploaded to Canada.
Two words: Snooze. Fest. The only thing I’m slightly interested in is the sugar crush CRB- but that won’t sell out quickly, so I have time to think about it. I finally got last week’s order (it takes a week to get my orders, ugh) and I love the cyber stripe hightimes- they are flattering and I love the feel of the material.
Very snoozy. I agree the sugar crush will move slowly. A lot of people don’t seem to like that print much. Also, it takes me til Monday to get my orders if I order Tuesday (regardless of which warehouse it comes from), so I feel your pain.
I like the sugar crush but only without a lot of the green (mold) in the pattern and in small doses like on the energy bra or flow y. I picked it up on MD last week and it looks really cute under pretty much any solid color CRB or tank and goes with pretty much everything. Other than small items, not a huge fan of the print overall.
Omg VINTAGE GREEN! I don’t wear Scubas, nor am I in the market for a new FTBW, but this looks promising for more Vintage Green, yes?
It might mean more vintage green, but there are other colors that have popped up in a couple items then disappeared, so who knows…
I got all three colors of the sea-me run shorts!!
just kidding.
Dude- you’re hilarious :)
it’s the wine
At only $58 a piece, how could anyone resist?!?!
you ruined the flow…now it looks like mykonosforlife was telling you that you’re hilarious..
Finally picked up the navy CRB. Have the Ebb to Street in navy as well, but am stocking up in case it’s another three years before Lulu produces another navy. Grabbed a pair of boogie shorts as well, and wanted the Wunder Under cotton pants in earl grey, but they’re sold out in my size. I’m curious about the vintage green Scuba…….
Yeah, I think the CRB and ebb to street will serve different purposes, so that doesn’t seem unreasonable. I’d like to see deep navy in person. Not sure if it’s dark enough for most of what I have.
It’s not as deep as LLM says :) Inkwell is darker. I did grab it. My store was almost out of sizes 4-6 one day after they received the CRBs.
The weekend S/L is very tempting, but if I add another two $, I could get two Patagonia super comfy organic Tshirts that would last me years. Just trying to find some perspective that evaporates whenever I see cute LLM stuff. Otherwise.. nothing tempting. Vintage green is interesting, but I prefer the brighter greens.
Yeah, it looks a little washed out almost. I also prefer the brighter greens, I don’t care for vintage green.
See, that’s why I love your blog- I didn’t even need to explain myself!! Only another Lulu freak would understand that! Ebb to streets look best with pants/crops and under DSJ’s, and CRB’s with speeds, and under Scuba’s. To everyone else, it’s ‘the same thing’. Thank you :)
now suzanne….smiles aren’t *that* rare…
(see exhibit below)
Lol…. “FINALLY I got to take off those ridiculous seva pants!!!!”
I think this is the least cohesive and ugliest upload ever.
Canada’s is worse–ALL over the place with colors!
yes but those ftbw colors!
too bad our ftbw was messed up by that tongue-colored bark berry
We finally got a Tall skirt in ONE print…and it’s still black :P Seriously, I want something less winter and more spring/summer. And kinda too little too late. 2 weeks ago I was jonesing for that Pace Rival in the sugar crush star-ish print. But now I’m kinda over it after having to wait for it. If they put it out right away, it would have been here, tags off and worn.
It’s true, a lot of those delays mean I get pretty fizzled out of the initial “omg need” excitement by the time something comes out.
I have never owned a Scuba before since I haven’t ever found a color I felt like was neutral enough to truly go with everything I own, but I have to say, Vintage Green might be my first Scuba purchase if they are actually released in the US (who knows now a days if we’ll even get something that Canada gets that we would love). Even though here in the Midwest it’s turning a corner to spring and I SHOULD be getting more Speeds and tanks, that Scuba is speaking to me. Oh, and WTH on no size 2 in the Nimbus Puff Speeds? What the what?
Size 2’s are getting screwed out of so many speeds lately, so frustrating.
I like the new vintage green and minty grey colors! Blue tropics is so pretty in the run times short. I only have one piece in that color from last year (the 105F tank) and would love more. Still waiting on the new smaller running backpack.
Yeah, I only have the (solid) tropics speeds from last year. It’s a great color, though, it would be great to have more.