Another slightly early upload today. Hooray for no tech issues! Yet. That said, my internet has been inexplicably breaking at upload time for the past 2 or 3 uploads, which, as you can imagine, thrills me to my core.
The US got a huge drop of lots of Australian summer-y goodies–very light flare, paradise grid, ombre wave, flash light…
Canada, meanwhile, got the cabin yogi capsule and lots of other layers, including lots of cottons and such.
Rolldown paradise grid wunder under crops in the US.
Rolldown dream rose deep coal wunder under pants on both sides.
New slate speed shorts in Canada with a dottie dream rose waistband. Another disastrous contrast seam. They might as well draw an arrow to your crotch with a Sharpie at this point. “NETHER REGIONS HERE.”
Canada also got the prisma embossed black speeds.
The US did get the paradise grid speeds, tiger water multi, and flash light. Still no signs of menthol stained glass or solid menthol, which are the two I want the most.
There’s also paradise grid trackers and tiger water run times.
Lots of water bound stuff on the US side, like the ombre wave singlet. Other water bound stuff in the US includes the bra, shorts, crops, and hoodie, plus some coordinating 50 rep bras. (Side note: I noticed tonight that I like the colors of the 50 rep a lot more than the energy bras that have been available in my size, so I’m thinking I should snag myself one or two at some point.)
I’m sure you’ll all be delighted to here that lulu produced a third colorway of the party onesie: breaking point black/white, inexplicably named because it’s *clearly* blue.
The new stretch it out hoodie showed up in 2 colors–black and white, basically. Only sizes 4-10 so size 4’s who want to size down won’t have the option.
New snug sprinter jacket in 3 colors, as previewed on Britt’s picks.
Menthol scuba hoodie–Canada only.
The new inspire crops spotted yesterday also come in the longer inspire tights. The pattern is actually called textured wave not tiger water like I had guessed. D’oh.
New breezy shorts made of luon. No liner, and they look as short as speeds, so I’m not sure these will be practical for anything but lounging.
New atomic flower festival bag in Canada only. The strap is atomic red, a color we haven’t seen a lot of so far.
Another pleat to street skirt: vertical parallel stripe.
Other upload notes:
– Paradise grid CRB on the US side. Canada got capilano stripe.
– Canada got all the cabin yogi collection: wrap, long sleeve, sweater pants, and onesie. I really want one of the LS’s, so I’m going to have to spend the next couple weeks deliberating on which of the 4 colors.
– Oh and by the way, the cabin yogi onesie is $168. I believe this is where I’m supposed to say that I “literally cannot even”.
– Lots of new swiftly racerback colors in the US including very light flare, menthol, pow pink light, fatigue green, and new color sea mist. Ok well, some of those might have been there last week, but I’m not sure because I don’t obsessively keep track of swiftly colors like I do some other stuff. So sue me.
– The new namaskar crops in the US were also something originally seen in Australia, although in different colors. It says they’re made of luon, but they look like they have a funky sheen to them.
– And of course, another one of lulu’s dropcrotch masterpieces, the shine trousers, are now available for your mocking purchasing.
– The laser cut rolldown WUP from a couple months ago finally uploaded–I guess they hadn’t before.
– The modern racerback is up, including the adorable white parallel stripe.
– The be present jacket uploaded to both sides.
I have also noticed the color trend with the 50 Reps! It’s one of my faves from LLL. I snagged one in flash light tonight. Hoping to see more flash items in the coming weeks.
I wish they hadn’t spent so much time (or not) designing these hideous onesies, dropcrotches, and blah color palettes, and instead spent time designing special holiday items we’d actually wear. Where are the functional, quality, timeless pieces in flattering, vibrant colors? What about the SE details? My attention is starting to wander…speaking of, AA did you happen post a fit review of those Beyond Yoga back gathered leggings you scored on Black Friday – maybe I missed it? I’ve been contemplating ordering a pair and would love to see your opinion regarding the fit and quality (are they sheer?) before I take the plunge. I’m a 6 in LLL bottoms, thinking of ordering a small. I just love all of their bright colors – especially that bright pink! Thank you! :)
I’m a 6 in LLL and a S in BY :)
Thanks – that’s great to know!
If it’s not too late, I would be careful with bright colors–don’t order them on final sale unless you don’t mind losing the money! I bought a dark color and they’re still sheer on me. :( I haven’t done a post yet about my BF stuff but I’ve been trying to–hopefully I’ll finish it tomorrow!
Ohhh, thanks for letting me know. I haven’t ordered anything yet – I’ll wait for your BF post before I make a move either way. Thanks so much!
And the hideousness continues…….
I’m so underwhelmed with everything in the last few weeks, very boring and blah. I was hoping for and expecting some awesome pieces for the holidays…so far not much that has me running to my store.
…and the onesies. What is with lulu and onesies? With drop crotch pants? And all the gray and black. The North American buyer sucks. Lulu needs a new design team as well. I think i’m officially done with any new Lulu. I like (liked? since it’s harder and harder to find now) their basic pieces but that is all. I moved over to Lulu for work out wear that stood up to time and continuous wear and washing and it has outlived all my Nike, Under Armour stuff by a couple of years (so far). However, lately it seems they’ve gone away from designing actual workout wear (the &Go capsule was a disaster). They left their core purpose as an activewear company in my opinion.
November didn’t offer much for me and I kept thinking they were holding all the good stuff for December, right before xmas. Here we are with one week of shopping left and I find everything ho-hum.
I agree &Go was a disaster…and who in the heck is going to spend that kind of money on a onesie? Sure hope they start turning things around soon or I’ll be looking else where too. No more florals or stripes!
I agree their core purpose is missing. Many wise people have told me that in order to build a successful business, you have to pick a thing and be REALLY REALLY good at that one thing. They used to be good at their One Thing, but they’ve let it fall by the wayside and have wound up being mediocre at lots of things. Crappy strategy if you ask me. They’ve not only expanded their transitional pieces, they’re also beefing up their men’s, children’s, and international markets. That seems a little premature since they can’t really do their claim to fame properly. Sometimes you have to think they’re just throwing things at the proverbial wall and seeing what sticks.
I’m always a pretty picky buyer, but there’s been very little that’s even tempted to me. And a lot of those temptations fade within a week or two and I end up glad I didn’t buy.
Seriously. Even when there is some legitimately cute stuff in there (I like paradise grid, for example), it definitely is less appealing when it’s surrounded by weirdass dropcrotch everything…
I think the giant houndstooth dip dye WUP looked very pretty in the upload photos.
Ombre wave is pretty too but I would be wearing waterbound stuff mostly for SUP, I think. Maybe it’s just me (probably is, in fact) but I would feel a little weird being matchy-matchy with the ocean, haha. I do wish the inkwell and neon yellow waterbound crops were uploaded. Maybe they were and I missed them. But they’re in a lot of the photos for other waterbound products and I like them a lot.
Hey that’s me too! I’m getting stuff for SUP :) I find the ombre super pretty too but I didn’t want to match the ocean as well, so I just bought the shanti surf shorts in paradise grid/black (Singapore LLM store).
The paradise grid print is still ocean-themed, but more abstract (lagoon w/ corals). I sized down to a 2. Major vanity sizing on this item.
Haha! I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling this! I feel like we are lulu simpatico :)
Those shanti surf shorts look super cute! I also love them in the Dream Waves print.
OH yes! We do like similar LLM stuff! :)
The dream waves is gorgeous! … it was a tough call, but I went with paradise grid as the dream waves colors are going to make my (mostly warm but fair) skin tone look sick until I pick up a decent tan (which is hard because I use a hell lot of sunblock).
Bahahah, matchy with the ocean–no kidding. It’s pretty freakin’ meta to wear ombre wave to SUP, lol.
And I don’t think the inkwell WB crops were uploaded yet!
Those inkwell water bound crops are amazing, I bought them instore today, along with the ombré wave hoodie and bound bra. (Didn’t want to go totally crazy with the ombré wave as I like it best on the hoodie for SUP.) The singlets are always great and they’re a good all around workout tank for me so I got the black and white. Rounded it out with the inkwell water bound shorts. This material is nicely thick, I love the texture and that it holds you in without being to straight up compressive, If that makes sense!
Houndstooth WUP are pretty luscious feeling, I’ve been going with 2s recently but I took a 4 and love them!
(See below disaster try-on process-at least I clean up after myself!!)
Awesome! Thanks for the report – all items I’m interested in, haha. As I recall you’re SoCal/NY based? Where are you now? I happen to also exist in these two places :P
OMG is that a puppy in your fitting room??? <3 Seriously intense "mess" though, lol.
I kind of like the idea of the paradise grid WB shorts, and your comment doesn't help, but I have a hard time with booty shorts. My uber-modest upbringing rears its ugly head and I get all self-conscious. :P The one and only time I wore boogies out of the house I had to walk to the store after the gym and the whole time I was like "OHGODOHGODOHGOD". I resold them shortly after, lol. Maybe a size up would help. #addictlife
lol I do wear a size up in the boogies too! No compression, but they don’t ride up as much. i wore them around the house for a week before I was comfortable enough to wear them out to the beach.
Since winter isn’t even here yet, I’m not interested in the summer stuff at all…but that’s a good thing for me. I think I’m reaching the point where I can admit I might be maxed out on fitness clothes. At least for now. ;-) Got my white mini check/pique Think Fast Hoodie & really love it. It’s long & covers my bum, which will be great for cold runs. I think it’s the longest rulu top I’ve seen since the first one I got (mini check/pique in purple) a few (3-4?) years ago.
There is definitely something very anticlimactic about buying something and having it sit for literally MONTHS before you even get the chance to wear it. We keep it cold in the house (like, 64 cold) and I’m usually huddled up in tons of layers working in my office so it doesn’t exactly make shorts look appealing! My bf kinda poo pooed on the think fast hoodie (and I kind of had to agree with his critiques) so I ended up passing on it. I’m with you where I feel like I might be approaching capacity with some things so I’m getting a bit picker–and I was pretty damn picky to start, hah.
I was curious so did some research. It’s the rulu Turn Around Long Sleeve ( that I have from 2011 that is long that the Think Fast Hoodie reminds me of. If you look, the seams and overall look are very similar (minus the hoodie part and ruching in back.) That Turn Around LS is probably my most worn top ever and one of my favorite Lulu pieces (aside from the funny iPod holder which cracks me up), so I think I love the Think Fast because it’s so similar.
Ahh yes the turn around LS is one I’ve heard a lot about! Seems to be a crowd favorite. :) You’re right though, the design is very similar.