[Lululemon Center 1]
New heathered ultra violet think fast long sleeve and flurry fighter tights are in stores. The flurry fighters are tech fleece and I’ve seen a couple people rave about them already. [Lululemon Fashion Place]
A couple stores have posted this little black friday preview. I see a new long line bra, but not sure what the prints here are. Might be bead envy, might be golden goddess, might be something else entirely!
Golden goddess city tank is in stores. [Lululemon Logan Circle]
Flurry fighter tights and heathered deep coal scuba hoodie. [Lululemon Shadyside]
Hmm. Do you know if the flurry fighter tights are thought to have benefits over Speed Tights*Tech ?
It’s the same material, so I imagine they are basically the same in terms of warmth. Obviously the cut/fit will be different, but idk if the people who liked them were basing it off of thickness or overall fit. The flurry fighters do have the panels, which it turns out are actually softshell, which is supposed to be better for the elements. Here’s the flurry fighter tag info: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10488021_10152950048006742_4087960716652788136_n.jpg?oh=cf98f3a9b39dc58d53e5ef0bf97c26f9&oe=55106C79&__gda__=1423237164_d3b622abcddc42c436c854e5b531e0e8
Oh, that’s right! Thanks. I forgot about the wind and rain protection. I would’ve loved that a year ago. I don’t need it now (moved, different climate)… but my heart still thinks I do, heh.
The snake and goddess prints, someone at LLM’s design team is expressing his or her wild love for flapper dress embellishments on workout clothes. I’ll rather get the dresses actually :)
You always make such great observations! That’s spot-on. And I agree, I prefer the dresses themselves, haha, but a lot of the motifs do seem a little 40s-inspired. They went from Japanese-art-meets-camping-chic to flappers I guess, lol.
Has anyone reported any rumors of potential sales for this years Black Friday? All I got out of my educator was “you’ll want to be here” so evidently they know but can’t/ shouldn’t disclose. Must be a leak somewhere out there.
Lulu does not do Black Friday sales! They may have items they put on markdown, but that’s basically a coincidence and no different from normal markdowns. Instead, for BF, they release lots of special edition product, which is what the educator was referring to. FYI, though, they do a TON of good markdowns on Boxing Day, 12/26.