I'm traveling which means I was able to get into a store today and try on some new stuff--woohoo! It's not the biggest or most exciting week in terms of new stuff, but here's quick fit review of the new black/angel wing speed shorts, up the pace crops, stuff your bra tank, and runsie. Fit review: speed shorts in black/angel wing/quilt These new speeds are 4-way stretch. I'm wearing ...
lululemon review
Tennis Capsule + Blue Tropics + More in Stores
**Fit Alert!!!*** Carrie at Insightful Athlete has posted a report of the tennis collection, plus the lightened up tank, cashew and pipe dream CRBs, Om Me Home jacket, and ujjayi bra. Mosey on over for more info. The tennis capsule is hitting stores, and just about every single lulu has take a million pictures of it. I would bet money this will be the theme of Monday's upload. A lot of stores ...