Ahhhh, great news today for herringbone lovers!! Spotted in a US store: new white herringbone rolldown wunder under pants! I’ve been wanting a pair of white herringbone WUs, and although I don’t usually like the rolldown situation, I might give these a shot because herringbone. [Photo thanks to reader Agent H]
Lookie what I found in store on Friday! Too bad they’re leftovers from LAST holiday. :-/
Ooooooo nice!! And for $72? Amazing.
I found a pair of Kyodan “ghost” herringbone “wup’s” at Marshalls. They are awesome. Another option to check out. Feel awesome.
I have those too!! They are fantastic:) had them on while shopping at my Lulu store and the Ed’s loved them! Great find
Me too! Wear them all the time :)
I’ve heard of people finding awesome lulu lookalikes form Kyodan. Sadly, my Marshall’s has NOTHING. My small town sucks sometimes. :(
Love the pattern, the colouring and the fact that they’re roll downs, I don’t buy any regular WU’s now, hate the black line of stitching down the crotch. Why do they do that?
To troll us and figure out just how far we will go in our lemming-like devotion. I guess.