I thought about titling this post “the Friday dose of HEINOUS”.
[Lululemon Polo Park]
[Lululemon Regina]
[Lululemon Greene Ave]
Flowabunga multi rollin’ with my omies pants. Yup, this is a thing that happened ALL OVER the internet today.
And burlap texture rollin’ with my omies pants. Because why not. [Lululemon Oakville]
And now for the ok hi shorts parade:
Ok hi shorts + pretty purple 105F singlet. [Lululemon Burlington Mall]
Ok hi shorts + be present pullover. [Lululemon Garden State Plaza]
Ok hi shorts + flowabunga arise bra + salutation to savasana tee. [Lululemon Third Ward]
Ok hi shorts + seamlessly covered tank + salutation to savasana tee. [Lululemon Ross Park Mall]
LOL! So true. Good for my wallet though.