[Lululemon Mall in Columbia]
New textured stripe slate wunder under crops. This is the same textured stripe as those high times from a couple months back, but is a bit darker. (Shown with the black devi crew in both pics.) [Lululemon Grand Ave]
White devi crew (layered over clear mint) with hawk blue wunder under crops. [Lululemon Durham]
Hawk blue wunder under crops. [Lululemon Garden City Center]
Black and white devi crews. [Lululemon Station Park]
[Lululemon Fashion Place]
[Lululemon Trolley Square]
Black cherry free to be wild bras. Note also the top back of the textured stripe WUC in the third pic. [Lululemon Grand Ave]
Black cherry free to be wild bra and star crushed black cherry top speed crops. [Lululemon Westlake]
Black cherry/electric coral wild tank. [Lululemon Mall in Columbia]
Blue tropics/parallel stripe deep navy energy bra. [Lululemon Trolley Square]
Sea mist/silver fox classic stripe free to be bra. [Lululemon Trolley Square]
Love that sea mist/silver fox FTB but are those clear mint straps? Why!? Such a lovely subtle front with a loud back. I already have clear mint straps with the blue tropic FTB and that’s enough.
Yeah, they’re clear mint straps. : They’ve been using 3 colors in so many of their bras lately, and it can be a bit much on many of them, like this one.
I actually like the Devi Crew in white…..
me tooooo. but $138?! are they smoking crack…
That’s the price!? That’s insane- it seems to me they just keep making things more and more expensive to see how much we’ll pay for items. I actually really like the Devi Crew and would consider it at half the price.
yep that’s the price that’s being reported. ridiculous. here’s to hoping it goes to WMTM!
someone here just said $118. which is still a lot of cash
Yeah…I like it, but at like $78….not $118. There are so many other things I would rather buy for $118.
Also not a fan that it is cream and not white.
I just did a brief search, and brands of similar quality seem to price their open-knit sweaters at more like $80. -1 for lulu.
Ooooh that wild tank!
Yes, I love the black cherry!
The sweater is a cream color not crisp white. I passed. They were ringing up $118 today. I bought the black. VERY soft and comfortable. Wish the white was a true white, it is very creamy yellow tone in person
Yeah, I saw it IRL yesterday and it looked more like ghost or angel wing.
The eds at my local store said the Hawk blue WUCs never arrived in a size 2, which seems to be par for the course when it comes to blue-toned crops as of late. WHY ARE YOU DENYING MY MONEY LULU???? JUST LET ME BUY SOME BLUE CROPS FROM YOU!!!!!
They uploaded in a 2 in Canada because lulu seems to hate American size 2’s lately…
The striped WUC remind me of a pattern I’ve seen at Athleta in the past….
Up close, there’s a lot of texture in the stripes, so that helps lulu’s be a bit less generic anyway.