Asia upload is now live! Lots more previews to see, on top of the ones from Europe earlier this morning. There are a few more items in new prints we’ve seen, some items from previous years returning, and some new prints, too!
Hotty hot shorts are back! These are poseidon.
Tracker shorts in new diamond camo silver spoon greyt.
Pleat to street skirt in poseidon/sea mist.
How adorable are these race to win run hats? New prints are floral backdrop pretty purple and crosscourt petal pow pink, respectively. I’ve been thinking of getting a hat lately and might want the floral backdrop.
The new art pop print on the fast paced run visor. There’s also one of these in dottie dash.
Silver spoon on the daily hoodie.
Straight up bra in ace spot black/white. If this week is any indication, looks like some variation of ace spot will be on basically every item ever.
Party om bag in gradient zig zag.
The new all sport crops in ace spot lullaby.
Ace spot jeweled magenta what the sport shorts.
Dashing purple street to studio crops.
Spring break away shorts in diamond palm. They’re also in (white) dottie dash, not shown here.
All tied up tank is back in tencel.
More sculpt short colors: dashing purple and poseidon, with a diagonal pattern. There’s also lullaby, not shown.
Tearaway pants in poseidon.
YES HOTTY HOT!!!!!!!!!! soooooo excited my favorite get ready plastic cards in my wallet!!!
Hehe I figured there would be some people pretty excited about that. :)
that silver fox all you need duffel – rose gold <3
I love rose gold hardware!!
Spring Break Away shorts sucked last year. Why oh why do they bring back the crappy stuff but not the good stuff (like Play All Day shorts?). Pleats on those too! Lose the pleats already! :P
Haha very true! I haven’t heard anyone excited about the return of the spring break aways.
Why are they fug? They’re golf shorts they’re supposed to be that long. Dunno if you’ve ever seen anyone on the links in booty shorts. There’s been some rumblings on various sites about your bias towards businesses giving you money. I hope it’s not true.
The shorts just don’t look like they fit well at all. I don’t care for the weird pleats in the front either. As far as golf/longer shorts go, they don’t seem particularly well-executed, but of course that’s just my opinion. As for the comments about rumored bias, can you elaborate on that? This is honestly the first I’ve heard of it, so I’m not sure how to address the rumors if I don’t really know what’s being said. For the record, I’ve never been paid directly by any brand. I’ve received complimentary product, which I always disclose in the relevant post, and I’m also in affiliate programs (i.e., commission for purchases made via my blog), which I’ve also disclosed (and is pretty standard for most bloggers), but I’ve never been sponsored directly.
They didn’t refer to you by name….seriously don’t even sweat it, it’s just a jealous pms-y “anonymous” person submitting comments on another blogger’s comment section. Keep doing your thing and don’t give it another second of worry.
Lol. Thanks for the reassurance, Kat. :) Glad it sounds like it’s an isolated incident (as opposed to some widely believed thing I didn’t know about).
Haters gonna hate. Ignore them! What a stupid comment – if you’re going to refer to “rumblings” then elaborate… Rise above it, AA ;)
Haters are definitely gonna hate. I only ask what’s said so that I can clarify it appropriately with people who are actually wondering/concerned as opposed to just trolling.
btw if you just can’t sleep until you see for yourself what was said, check out LLA’s comment section about the Asia upload on May 4th. While posting as “anonymous” the commenter is pretty transparent – they work for Lulu in some capacity.
Honestly, racist or not, I’ve lost a bit of respect for LLA for even acknowledging such trollish comments. I will end by reminding everyone that we all have a choice in which blogs we read and/or participate in. If it bothers you so much that the Lulu bloggers receive certain perks for their work, then start your own flippin blog. Then take a couple Motrin and spend a minute reading one of your hundreds of Lulu bags (if you’re on this site, you undoubtedly have em)…particularly the part that reads “Jealousy works the opposite way you want it to”…..
Hahahaha, I think LLA is having a conversation with herself in that comments section… Additionally, “Cat” up there is also probably LLA based on the comment she made on her own blog about the long story shorts “these look nice for golf”. What a sad woman.
I don’t think anyone can begrudge a blogger for having opinions about the clothes/news they post about. Sure, I have different standards of what I like and what I don’t compared to the next person. That’s nothing earth-shattering. But, basically: if I post too much/exclusively about lulu, never try other brands, and constantly fawn over 99.9% of what they do, I’m a brainless label whore. If I write negatively about lulu, I’m an uppity bitch. If I don’t write enough commentary about the clothes, I’m a boring copycat. If I post about other brands in a positive light, I’m a biased sellout. Ah, perfect, that all makes total sense! ;)
And yes, you nailed it with the shopper quote.
Kat, i just read those comments on LLA’s blog. thanks for telling us where it was! i was soooo confused reading all these comments that started with mean Cat up there lol
anyways, AA, your blog is called Agent Athletica, not some variation of lululemon something. you can talk about what you want. and i personally like that you are not liking every single product (or almost!) that lululemon makes. you put some water in your lulu kool-aid haha
as for your reviews of other brands, i don’t feel you like every single thing they send you either, from what i remember reading.
AA, all of us that like your blog will keep reading it and will love it! like you all said, haters gonna hate…boooo to them ;)
The funny thing is, I’m certainly not the only blogger or lulu fan who snarks at lulu’s ugly designs. Who knows why I am villainized by some for that. I guess clothing is a pretty divisive and controversial topic, lol. And yes, you’re right that I don’t rave over every free item I get, though I don’t go so far as to be openly harsh or negative (that subtlety seems to escape some people I suppose). If something is “meh” and I personally wouldn’t have paid full price for it, I just keep the review more factual and let the reader make the call, since it could still help someone who might have different taste or priorities from me (I could name a few items where this was the case). If it’s something very bad I would never recommend, it’s good blogger etiquette to simply return the item to the company and politely decline to review instead of raking them over the coals on the blog. Hence the lack of scathing reviews on free product.
And of course, thanks for your support around here. :)
interesting! thanks for explaining your thinking behind your reviews. makes total sense to me! :)
and just one word comes to mind for those haters: jealousy!
This statement sounds pretty slanderous.
So what if companies send her things to review. That’s a pretty common perk of having a popular blog.
And I’m really grateful to have a rapport with a handful of brands that I genuinely love. My support of a brand comes first, and working with them grows organically out of that, not the other way around. It’s not like I’m gonna say no to a brand I’m gonna buy from anyway, lol.
Oh but it’s ok for those other two blogs to put throw in a million affiliate links without really letting their readers know so they can rake in the $$$ every time a reader clicks on one? Did you ever wonder why they’ve been able to buy so much Lulu lately? They’ve both also had freebies sent to them – why is it bad for AA to receive any?
Did you also know that one of them has some rumblings of being racist? Why don’t you google the name of one of those bloggers and racist and see what pops up?
I don’t begrudge the commenter for bringing it up. I’d like to think she’s innocently wondering and/or keeping me informed rather than perpetuating the trolling/hating. I have no problems with people asking me honest questions about my blog. I’m an open book about how I do business, if you will, and have nothing I feel the need to hide.
This is supposed to be on your last post.
The ace spot pattern really reminds me of Nike’s mezzo print.