Looks like we’re getting (at least) 2 colors of the fluffed up vest this week. Besides the split pea that was on Britt’s picks, here’s alberta lake. [Lululemon Durham]
The two newest fluffed up vests in alberta lake and split pea with matching bags. [Lululemon Clover View Plaza]
Speaking of what was on Britt’s picks, the let’s get visible vest is starting to get to stores. I think this is alberta lake but it might be inkwell if the lighting is weird. [Lululemon Natick Collection]
Damn! Now I must buy the Alberta Lake Fluffed Up Vest. I’m very warm-toned and there are so few colours right now that work for me. Everything is grey and black. Do you have any idea how much the Get Visible Vest is? I was considering the hoodie but balked at the $228 price tag.
I just got into Lulu in October and have spent an alarming amount in three short months. I have a good base now, but I think I’m going to limit myself to $250 a month for the next few months, possibly with a set lump sum bonus for some summer items. I’m going to have to choose carefully.
Don’t know about the get visible vest yet. $228 for the hoodie is seriously intense. I wonder how well they’ll sell at those price points… Wouldn’t be surprised if they have to get MD’d before people will buy.
Also, if you play your cards right and are selective, $250/mo is a totally workable amount for building out your stash. ;)
Thanks. I think $228 is nuts, frankly. I scored some Reflective Speeds (the unlined kind) on MD for $34 yesterday, so I’ll slip those over my running tights at night and call it a day.
Good god, I don’t even wear vests but I want that Alberta lake one! I’m going to be in trouble with pieces coming out in Alberta lake and deep cherry.
Seriously. Very dangerous colors happening right now. The vest was crappy on me fit-wise, but if it had been better, I would be crying inside, lol.