This week’s lululemon upload was basically pants night. Everything that caught my eye was basically some kind of cold weather bottom, which I suppose makes since sense cold weather run was this week’s theme!
The toasty tech tights are back in bordeaux drama plus two versions of black. I’m considering getting these to try, because I can’t resist anything thermal right now. My winter bottoms don’t have a lot of color, so bordeaux would be a nice option that isn’t neutral, but isn’t too loud either, since I rarely reach for bold colors in full length.
The fleecy keen jacket almost reappeared for the third year in a row. It’s really nice in wine berry, as shown above.
Rebel runner crops are here!!! Yassssss, as they say. There are 3 beautiful colors plus black. I’m ordering dark fuel. At $88, they seem quite reasonably priced for what are effectively full-length tights on me. I have last year’s version in black grape and like them a lot, so I would recommend these to those considering them.
The US got the kris cross crops in bordeaux drama and black that had previously appeared overseas. There’s something about this style that appeals to me, but there’s enough else that I’m interested right now that I don’t feel compelled to part with $88 for them. I’ll be watching for them on MD though.
Btw, where the heck are the rain-on train-on DWR coated tights? They uploaded in Australia and Europe weeks ago. I had wanted to try them, but it’s been long enough that my interest is fading.
Yes, more cold weather bottoms! The base runner pants are up, including a heathered dark fuel version I hadn’t seen before. These are the third pair of bottoms tempting me this week; they always get great reviews for comfort.
For something slightly lighter, but still cold-weather friendly, can’t stop pants might be your thing. They are made with brushed luxtreme (which is warmer than regular luxtreme but not as warm as tech fleece) and have a straight leg instead of a skinny leg. (These are in the US only right now.)
The wrap up jacket is a new cozy french terry layer. To me it looks like a hybrid of last year’s find your centre wrap and this year’s coast wrap.
New free to be wild bra in mini pop stripe dark fuel. If they had just done menthol straps only this would’ve been one of the prettiest FTBWs, in my opinion.
There are new kanto catch me long sleeve colors, including mini pop stripe dark fuel (shown above) and kanto stripe wine berry. Rulu tops are usually mostly neutral colors, so it’s nice to see some variety.
Check out the hoodie shown with this run and done ear warmer. I think it’s the rest less hoodie, which showed up overseas months ago. A sign of things to come? It look so cute in the ear warmer photos.
Speaking of headwear, lulu debuted this throw back scrunchie tonight. A $12 reflective scrunchie to be exact. Are scrunchies going to be a thing again? Do people still wear these things non-ironically? I have short hair, I’m oblivious to these things apparently. :)
I bought the Toasty Tights today and they’re great! I was hoping to find fleece or brushed Speed Tights but I was funneled to these instead. They are a nice thickness, and I might be skipping the Speed Tight idea in favor of the Toasties. And I’m really excited to see that the Base Runners back. However, I’m slightly leery of the lighter colors because the mini-check ones from the last run looked like pajamas on me. I love my other ones and wear them a lot, so hopefully the new ones will work out…
You’re right, I think the base runners will probably look a little pajama-y. I saw some brushed speed tights overseas this week if I remember correctly, but no sign of tech fleece so far besides the toasties (though it’s still a tad early in the season).
I bought the Rebel Runners in both dark fuel and wine berry, not sure I’ll keep both, but I love the 2 pairs I got last year. Also got the long-sleeve swiftly in dark fuel. I would really love a LS Rulu top in the stripe dark fuel/forage teal like the Kanto LS. But I really don’t like the design of that top – both the onesie neckline and the way the ends of the sleeves flare outwards when you have your thumbs in the thumbholes are a turn-off to me.
I didn’t notice that the sleeves flared until you mentioned it, actually, but I don’t care for that either.
I am getting dark fuel rebel runners and maybe the sapphire gym to win. Really
Want base runners but worried they’ll look frumpy on my 4’11” frame. :(
Yeah, I’m worried the base runners will look like poop on me too. I’ve actually never tried them on! I need to take a trip to lulu soon, I’m about due…
Yaaass girl! lol. I ordered the dark fuel as well. I had the mini pop stripe in my cart ready to check out but I already have the striped runways so that would be dumb of me. I’m no longer throwing money at LLL so green it is.
Lots of people seemed crazy for the pop stripe but I definitely prefer the green. Wine berry is very nice too, but since I was getting the bordeaux toasty techs, that seemed too similar.
I guess the kanto LS is the rulu top for this winter :( I really like some of the colours the top is coming in but I hate the onesie neckline. I wanted the dark fuel rebel runners but of course that’s the one colour that didn’t get uploaded to Canada! Nothing really appealing this week which is a nice break for my wallet!
I reeeally hope we see another rulu capsule! I don’t remember exactly when the second batch came out in previous years, but I wanna say it was November, so all hope is not lost. :)
Nothing tonight. I love the dark camo Scuba, but not in the III- I think my obsession with them has finally come to an end anyway.
I thought I saw a Wild Tank in forage teal a couple of days ago and was hoping that would show up- I really love the color.
I’m considering the Sattva pants in Bordeaux- I still haven’t tried the ones I’ve ordered on, but I think they’ll be cozy heaven paired with James Perse tees.
Side note: supposedly no more Skinny Will pants.
I’ve been in Spain for a few weeks now walking the Camino de Santiago and ended up with with a Canadian girl for a few hours on the first day who used to work for Lululemon (she actually quit so she could walk The Way).
We were going over our favorite styles and when I told her Skinny Wills were one of mine, she said they wouldn’t be making them anymore, because they didn’t sell well.
Oh well…..
I wouldn’t be surprised if the skinny wills are going away. The new skinny grooves are higher rise, so there’s probably too much overlap there.
There is indeed a forage teal wild tank in HK if you didn’t see it already: