When stores post about the “if your lucky” stuff:
When lulu is releasing too many pretty speed shorts and you can’t keep up
Star crushed black cherry
Ordering your 20th pair of WUC like
When your collection is almost perfectly complete (for the moment, anyway)
Waiting for your store to finish opening up their boxes of new product
Spending your extra money on more and more lulu when what you actually need is, like…shoes and plates and a new vacuum cleaner
This is my high point every Sunday and you have outdone yourself AGAIN! Thank you! I have been wondering whether images/videos or ideas come first for you.
I loved the IYL LS in black when I tried it on in the store yesterday. I put it on again after I came home and discovered that the fabric does not sit flat on my shoulders. I don’t know what kind of stuff they spray in the air because I always get so excited in the store that I overlook some obvious flaws – one of my many Lulu problems!
LOL! This is SO true! Always chasing the Lulu high!
Haha it’s true, sometimes you look at things through “lulu colored glasses” and it can be hard to see the flaws. :)
When I come up with these, it’s definitely a mix of what comes first, but usually it’s the image. I saw the “you’re*” thing just yesterday and instantly knew I needed to use it. A lot of times I’ll save an image because I think it’s great, but I won’t figure out how to use it until much later, sometimes months. Occasionally I’ll end up spending *forever* searching for just the right image for a caption that popped into my head.
The hamster! LOL!
LOL BEYONCE! Yes! And the one after that too!
Mandy | http://www.mandydreams.com
Cumberbitches in Lulu unite!
LOVE all as always, except for the second one. I disagree- There’s no such things as TOO Many Gorgeous SSs. Bring them on!
I know, it’s a double-edged sword. I love them but >$100/month on speeds is getting a little tough, lol. In the past couple months I have bought like 5 new pairs! See last gif re: needing that extra money to go toward other things, and yet I have to buy the speeds anyway because otherwise I’ll miss out… :P
Yeah I’m supposed to get a decent rain jacket for upcoming hikes, but I kept buying cute SSs and S59 stuff instead. At this rate, I’ll have to settle for $2 Daiso disposable raincoats, and get drenched in the chilly mountains. But hey, at least I’ll have seriously cute shorts to go home to :D
I’m glad Black Cherry SSs came out before I bought the Pink Vintage SSs. Might gun for the former instead.
Nice little tribute to Leonard Nimoy (whether intended or not)…
Yes, it was intentional. :) I never really watched Star Trek, but as a general nerd, it seemed appropriate.
This is hilarious. I look forward to these every week! I got almost as excited as what I do when I see that fedex has delivered my lulu package while I was out, and I can come home to hide the evidence before my husband gets there and sees it!
Thanks!! :) So true about hiding the evidence! Our finances are separate so I try not to feel bad about what I do with my money, but I still have been guilty of stashing my packages away a couple of times, haha.