Special edition Black Friday merch that was supposed to “blow our minds”
Unexpected good stuff on this week’s Britt’s picks
After spending a whole bunch of money on upload
Buying a bunch of run crops just because they’re cute
What lulu HQ must be thinking when we ask for quality to come back
Trying to explain the world of lulu to an outsider
such brilliance. you’re the tolkien of lulu gif’s.
Ahhh can Tolkien of lulu gifs be a thing??? lolol
Hahaha! I really like your site- thanks so much for all of this. I was one of the early Lulu adopters (around 2006), and I used to be fanatical about the brand. Over the last couple of years I’ve become progressively less interested in LLL, but I still work out like a fiend and need great gear to fill the void. I love that you review other brands. I ordered from Yoga Smoga and from Alalala because of your reviews. I’d love to see you review more from Athleta, various brands from Carbon38, etc. I know, I know…not like you have other things to do. ;) I really like that you are an athlete and put the gear through the paces- much different from some other reviews I read where the functionality isn’t as important. Thanks so much for the blog and your hard work! I appreciate it! :)
Thanks, Allie! I think as LLL continues with its mishaps and general decline PLUS other brands enter the market and do things well, it’s creating a progressively more lethal combo that’s slowly but surely chipping away at their market share. I’ve never been married to LLL and have always been inclined to think outside the box, if you will, on other brands. I would love to try way more than I do, as you suggested, but the main constraint isn’t necessarily time, but more that I’m simply not made of money (especially considering the cushion that LLL resale value offers that other brands simply don’t have right now). :) I definitely intend to continue branching out, though, slowly but surely! I have a literal list of brands to try whenever I can redirect funds from my rather lengthy existing wishlist. I definitely need to revisit Athleta–I’ve had a hard time warming up to them to be honest, and my very limited experience trying their stuff left something to be desired (just try-ons, never made a purchase), but enough people love them and their selection is good enough to warrant more effort!
Anyway sorry for rambling, thanks again for the love. :)
I am determined to make that needlepoint footless pajama thing look cute. Can’t wait for it to hit stores, it will come home with me…if only for a night.
Hahaha I love your nickname for it. ;) If you make it look cute, please document it for posterity, because that would be a significant accomplishment, lol.
seriously – the BEST one yet!! Outstanding!! thanks so much for this brilliant post!
You’re very welcome! Hope I keep raising the bar. :)
I am so pissed at myself for actually awaiting this upload. I am even more pissed that LLL values our time so little that we have to essentially wait in line for product drops.
I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt that it’s just their own sloppiness rather than ill will, but it’s still SUPER annoying. At least for me, I didn’t really have any reason NOT to wait around, so I stayed up last night and it didn’t bother me too terribly much.
Yeah I know, same, and I use the down pieces like crazy in New York so I wanted to be sure I wasn’t kicking myself this morning. It’s still manipulative and downright RUDE. >_<