[Yes, I usually post these on Sundays, but better late than never…]
When you see someone in a rare piece of lulu
Taking my bf into lulu
Dealing with last week’s upload ordering fiasco
In the store and seeing someone with the last one in your size
The moment you realize you forgot about upload
Selling something
After counting up all of your lulu and discovering how much you REALLY have
This is fabulous! Especially the last one, totally how I feel since I recently did closet inventory!
Extra points if you read it in Snape’s voice.
Love these… And yeah, I agree about that last one! I recently reorganized and omg… Is it possible to make my dresser invisible when my mom visits this week?
My boyfriend also always plunks himself down on a cushy chair next to a child at lulu.
My bf is lucky that my closest store is over 2 hours away–he doesn’t have to endure it very often. That said, he saw this post and told me it was totally accurate, lol.
YES! I love these! :) And Marshmallow – yup, I shamelessly stuffed my recent Lulu haul into my gym bag and hid it from my mom when she visited. These make my week every time! :) :)
Hahaha, omg, lulu contraband! Funny to me but probably less funny to you. :)
LOL, nope it’s still pretty funny in general. :)
lol!! Okay, I think I might try this! Haha.
hilarious and on-point as always!!! love love love!!
Thank you. :)
Legit can’t stop laughing.
Glad to oblige, lol! :)
I love these and can SO relate! Yesterday I noticed my beloved and well worn baroque blue stripe in the flows are getting a bit thin. So sad. I forget the upload every stink in’ week now because I teach from 2-4 west coast time.
I have the same problem, I teach from 3-9 mountain time and I never get to see an upload any more. All of the really good stuff is gone by the time I get home at 10.00pm.
I’m lucky, it seems most the items I love are WMTM type items that no one else wants. I think only one item has ever sold out that I was dying to have!
You are definitely lucky!! :)
Ugh, that’s annoying. :( Would an alarm be going too far? lol