The return of the free to be wild
Trying to pick an outfit for my crossfit competition
I ended up bringing 2 crops, 2 shorts, 2 bras, and 3 tops. True story. I only wore 2 outfits though! This seemed like a big accomplishment.
The stuff on the warehouse sale
The tranquility jacket ultimately being marked down to $19 on the warehouse sale
Still too much.
Trying to squeeze into wunder unders that are just a bit too small
Also: trying to walk after the aforementioned competition.
When someone piggybacks on your ISO post
Oh really, you too? Same size and everything? Go away.
When an educator tells you they have no way of knowing what products they’re going to receive in store or not.
these sunday posts are just the effin’ BEST!! they give life!!! love love love them – thank you soooo much!!
You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it!! :)
Damn I really needed that laugh today! I agree w/michelle – The. Effin. Best. Thank you! :) :) Also that pug right now – yesssss.
Hehe, thank you! Any pug gif is a good gif. :)