Not a whole lot to see on the Asia Pacific/Europe uploads today. They were both pretty small and largely things we’ve seen. Here are a couple quick things of note:
New on the run singlet. Short, short, short! It’s silverescent and comes in jeweled magenta, the new blue calm, and black.
Bumble berry swiftly racerback we saw this morning. The color doesn’t look as good in the heathered swiftly fabric IMO.
The new inkwell illumina crops, with a rugged blue waistband.
West2east stripe inkwell/rugged blue tracker shorts.
Lastly, new rolldown wunder under crops in inkwell/rugged blue. These are sashico cross (the tiny little blue plus signs), and they are NOT the ones we have seen in stores. The ones in stores are sashico *star*, regular rise, and luxtreme. These are rolldown luon.
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