This week’s lululemon store arrivals, much like upload, was biased toward run gear. The kanto catch me stuff is trickling in, although it doesn’t look like the rulu long sleeves and 1/2 zips have arrived in most US stores yet. It’s been a low-key couple of weeks for me, with very little catching my eye out of the new arrivals. We’ll see what this coming week’s product drops brings…
Ultra violet kanto catch me jacket. [Lululemon The Village of Rochester Hills]
Angel wing kanto catch me vest and heathered sapphire blue kanto catch me 1/2 zip. [Alex C.D Photography for Lululemon Laval]
Black kanto catch me vest. [Lululemon Tulsa]
Run and done neck warmer and herringbone (and a little bit of the sea mist LS swiftly there too). [Lululemon Novi]
Gator green cyber stripe give me qi crops. [Lululemon Honolulu]
Fatigue green sweaty or not bra. [Lululemon Honolulu]
Gator green speed tights. [Lululemon Novi]
Coast camo deep navy speed tights. [Lululemon Denver]
Sapphire blue rolldown wunder under crops (with sunset salutation tank). [Lululemon Novi]
White circadian short sleeve with print. [Alex C.D Photography for Lululemon Laval]
The rest less pullover back again, shown in black. [Alex C.D Photography for Lululemon Laval]
Had my first store experience this last weekend! …Aaand it wasn’t too awesome. The store was small and very crowded, the Eds were so busy they never even noticed me. I’m very introverted and small spaces with too many people wig me out, so I just grabbed a bunch of tights and shorts and a CRB and rushed into a changing room. Didn’t like anything enough to buy, which was disappointing, but at least now I have a clear idea of what my actual lulu size is, and I got to see how different things look/feel on me.
Awww that’s too bad! Depending on the store and the time of day (i.e., busyness) store experiences vary *wildly*. Always good to get to try on different things and different sizes, though, since it definitely helps a lot with getting the online buys right. :) Better luck next time!