This week in lululemon stores, lots of casual yoga layers were the big thing. The popular mesh wrap pretty plume high times pants arrived in stores along with the devout short sleeve. The first bits of fall products are also rolling out, including a handful of items in so fly butterfly print and ziggy snake.
Serenity shorts with the devout short sleeve and gradient zig zag chevron party om bag. Adorable. [Lululemon The Village of Rochester Hills]
Devout short sleeve in heathered black. [Lululemon Richmond]
White devout short sleeve. [Lululemon Honolulu]
Pretty plume wrap mesh high times pants (plus alarming amala tank). [Lululemon Honolulu]
Wee are from space silver spoon rolldown mesh wunder under crops and iris flower ebb to street tank. [Lululemon The Village at Rochester Hills]
Pretty plume wrap mesh high times pants with black amala tank. [Lululemon Detroit]
Black dance to yoga tank with pretty plume high times. [Lululemon Roseville]
Ace spot grain wrap mesh high times pants and another black amala tank. [Lululemon Long Island]
Fatigue so fly butterfly hi-rise wunder under pants and the pack it up backpack. [Lululemon Richmond]
Ace spot grain rolldown wunder under crops. [Lululemon Syracuse]
So fly butterfly go the distance shorts. [Lululemon Anchorage]
Dottie dash grain dance to yoga tank with sapphire blue pack it up backpack. [Lululemon Anchorage]
Ziggy snake cranberry what the sport shorts. [Lululemon Syracuse]
New long what the sport shorts in black with the snake pipe dream blue swiftly racerback. [Lululemon Anchorage]
Pipe dream blue snake swiftly racerback. [Lululemon Lansing]
Does anyone else think the Pretty Plume HT pic (13th down – laying on back on yoga mat) resembles those health book drawings of….*that* area?
oh! now that you pointed it out >.<
They are so beautiful on, but I felt so self conscious wearing them during my barre class today! I wondered if anyone else noticed ?
oh dear. I guess if you are standing up right and moving around it probably doesn’t appear so visible unless you are lying down. hopefully the pattern on your pair did not ‘pair’ up as precisely as those seen in the photo. sigh sometimes i wondering if the Lulu designers really think about all these things before putting them out
I returned mine for that very reason.
Yes! As soon as I saw that photo, I thought, “I’m returning them.” I’ve been on the fence, but that decided it for me.
Yeah I’ve noticed multiple pairs with that issue! Not sure how noticeable it is to those who aren’t as hardcore about pattern placement, though. Still, I wouldn’t wear them like that!
I got the pretty plume WUC yesterday, and i love them. So, so pretty. I read they ran a bit snug, and that’s true, but not enough to size up IMO. I saw they are made in Canada too!
After I saw your comment I checked the tag of a pair I tried on and you’re right! I’m glad they worked out for you, they were a no go for me.
@guest, now i can’t unsee that image!!! lol
Love all the pictures you posted from Michigan/Detroit area stores! :) Thanks!
Your local stores, I’m guessing? :) Always fun to see familiar faces/places.
I’m glad I didn’t get the pretty plume high times now, total vajayjay print in that exact area! Why?
Some of the pairs have the plumes placed in a less obvious way, like the one of the girl standing with the dance to yoga tank. But others…ick.