I covered athleisure picks for staying home in my last post, but today I’m venturing a bit off-topic to another essential ingredient to a cozy and inviting home life: candles. Over the last couple years, I’ve become a bit of a candle nut, so I thought I’d share some of my favorite scents with you. Admittedly, buying candles without smelling them first is scary. But since shopping in person isn’t really an option right now, it’s a good time to take a chance on something new.
1 | Citrus and Fir by Lightwell Co | This scent is perfect for day and night, all seasons. I love citrus and I love woodsy, and the blend of the two is masterful. I found this in a delightful little boutique, Mother Hubbard’s in Girdwood, AK. If I had to pick one scent for the rest of my life, it might just be this one.
2 | Campfire by Brick and Mortar | I’ve tried a lot of campfire scents, and this one strikes a lovely balance with the addition of vanilla. The spicy notes help balance and give character to the smokiness. On sale!
3 | Moss by Brick and Mortar | SUPER fresh with just a hint of brightness from citrus. This candle is quite strong, so if you find candles often aren’t enough scent for your space, give this one a shot. On sale, too!
4 | Canopy by Otherland | This one is very thematically similar to “Moss” above. A perfect fresh and bright scent for spring, like fresh-cut grass and moss. If you use my referral link, you can get 10% off your order.
5 | Prunus by Boy Smells | This scent has lived in my home office for a couple years now. I smelled this one over and over while writing this post to try to pin down a description. It’s a little mossy, a little fruity, plus just a hint of warm vanilla. Such a great vibe for spring and summer.
6 | Cedar Stack by Boy Smells | Woodsy, but not the pine and fir vibes of some of the others on the list. It’s warm and homey, and quite elegant. I got tipped off to this one from a blog post by Emily at Cupcakes and Cashmere a couple years ago, and I have to agree with her recommendation.
7 | White Pine by Greenmarket Purveying | My other all-time absolute favorite. All the scents from this brand are strong, so I don’t have to burn it long for it to fill my home. This was another boutique find, at Heyday in Bozeman, MT. If you’re a fan of pine/woodsy scents, try this one! Serious mountain cabin vibes.
Thanks, Suzanne! I’m a candle fan too, andI just love these:
Funny you should mention it, I actually JUST got their Peak Bagging Grand Teton candle in the mail last week. Haven’t burned it yet, though, so the jury is still out. :) Thanks for sharing!
I highly recommend the brand “Tiny Bandit”- their candles are all naturalsM and the crystals give an amazing energy! I’m obsessed with their “moon milk” scent
Oooooh thanks for the tip! I’ve never tried a crystal candle. Now seems like a good time. :)