Lulu has upped the bizarro vest situation again with the ironically named everything she wants vest. It’s reversible sherpa fleece and insulated down. The styling here makes it look ok, but I saw a try-on pic and guys, it was not pretty. It’s very boxy and awkwardly long. It looks like it was destined for the big and tall section of some men’s department but took an awkward detour. I can understand that it might be practical and cozy for some climates, and I can understand that it COULD be styled to look kind of ok like if it was some vintage thrift store find, but at the end of the day, I can’t understand why you would voluntarily pay lulu prices for something where you have to work really hard to sartorially salvage. Price tag is $168 and it’s sized non-numerically, i.e. XS, S, etc. [Lululemon Halifax]
New asymmetrical moto jacket with a ruffle back. Don’t know the name. [Edit: pretty sure it’s the bust a move jacket making a comeback.] Layered with a fuel green swiftly and the white herringbone turn around tights. [Lululemon Grand Ave]
The going grape/bumble berry free to be wild bra is hitting US stores today. (It’s also hitting my mailbox today.) [Lululemon Grand Ave]
I’m looking for Everything She Want Reversible Vest in size large. Do you have one and what price please.