Photos by Julia Romano Photography
Splits59 devon singlette tank ii – everest
Lululemon energy bra – white
Lululemon speed shorts – chevron
Lululemon race to win run hat – sketchy palms
Nike Pegasus 32 – photosynthesis
Have you ever had one of those days where you’re so sore you can’t even function? I’m having one of those days. Actually, two of those days. All of last week, I was out of town for a family trip in North Carolina. While I was away, I did some running, but that was it. I went back to my crossfit gym on Monday and I paid for it. Big time.
For the first part of our workout, we worked up to a max complex of front squat, push press, and thruster. I was really, really pleased that I put up 88#, which was considerably higher than I expected. Although it was really heavy, I was surprised by how smoothly I was able to put it up. That was a PR for both push press and thruster, and I did them in a complex, so I should definitely be able to surpass that number doing a single lift.
So it had been a good day so far, but then the terrible badness happened.
Death by thrusters. Yes, it is as bad as it sounds. Taking 65% of our heaviest lift (for me, that was 57#), we did 1 thruster on minute 1, 2 thrusters on minute 2, and so on, until we couldn’t complete the reps within the minute. Once you pass 5, it gets REAL. I actually had to switch to front squat only, since high volume thrusters aggravates my shoulder girdle. So on top of all the previous work, I did 48 more front squats (I made it 8 reps into minute 11).
Talk about a nasty workout to come back to. Yesterday and now today I am officially Too Sore to Even. Probably should’ve taken it a little easier, but as I’m sure many of you can relate to, sometimes it’s hard to moderate yourself, because you don’t want to feel lazy or like a quitter. I took an epsom salt bath Monday night, which I was hoping would be a magic fix, but it wasn’t. I’ve been foam rolling when I can stand it, and of course, making sure I rely heavily on handrails to navigate down stairs. Fun times, friends. Fun. Times.
At any rate: clothes!!
I absolutely love how this set of photos Julia took came out. The colors are so bright and crisp. This shade of emerald, everest by Splits59, really shines bright against white. I really like how the strappiness of the devon tank and energy bra play off each other–the angles are nicely complementary. And of course, the chevron speed shorts really steal the show. These are a pretty sought-after pair and even though I scored a pretty good deal on mine, I still paid a good amount of money for them. No regrets! They fit wonderfully and go with everything. I’ve worn these constantly all summer.
Also, have I told you lately that I love these shoes? Because for realsies, I love these shoes.
Can I just say how much I love your blog? Oh, and how much I love those shorts! Keep it up with these posts–you (and Julia) are knocking it out of the park.
Awww thank you!!! More are on the way. ;)
Favorite outfit EVER!
Coming from you that’s a great compliment. :) Thanks!!
Definitely my favorite look of yours! Love everything about this.
Thanks Gretchen! Definitely one of my favorites too!
Love this!
Thanks Mindy, glad to hear it. :)
Such a cute outfit! I can relate with the soreness. We did like 1000 double unders yesterday and going down the stairs is a real struggle! Really love these posts by the way. :)
Ugh my calves hurt just thinking about that…
I’ve been that sore, and it totally sucks. It makes it hard to even get out of bed for a couple days! But we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Ahh the chevron speeds. I was just getting into lulu when those shorts were selling in store, like December 2012. I bought a pair (my 1st lulu purchase ever!), but I was strictly a runner then, and speed shorts don’t work well during runs for me, so I returned them due to the non-practically of them at the time. Dumbest decision ever. Now I pretty much lift and wear speeds like it’s my job, so I kick myself for returning those. I’ve learned a lot since then :) I see them on the boards, but really don’t want to spend $100+ for them! Maybe one day when I’m feeling rich.
Omg! That sucks so much! :( I got mine for “only” about $80, but it took a lot of patience (like 6 months I think). Also if you look for them in the winter, sometimes you can score a deal since speeds aren’t really on most people’s minds.
I think this is my favorite outfit. Love the color combo, mix of patterns in the hat & shorts, and just the way it all comes together. That chevron pattern is awesome!
Thanks Jenn! :) I love the sketchy palms with the chevron too, it definitely makes it more fun.
Ah I love it when you talk Crossfit. Makes me yearn to try it but the gyms (or boxes, I never know which to use) are so intimidating (here). :-/
Yeah, some crossfit gyms (I never call them “boxes”, haha) can be *really* intense so I don’t blame you! Finding one kind/mellow coach or experienced member can make a huge difference, though.
OMG, you look so fabulous! I want the whole outfit, especially the chevron speed shorts!
I have both size 2 (hip 33) and size 4 (waist 25/26) speeds. Does your pair fit on the looser or tighter side? I have to track down a pair.
I’d say a hair on the looser side. I’d probably go for size 2, the 4 would probably give you diaper butt. Also, bonus, 2’s are generally much cheaper than 4’s, haha. 2’s generally go for ~100, but if you’re patient and persistent you can find them for less (I got mine for about 80).