I know a lot of people, myself included, have been trying to put their finger on exactly how electric coral and regal plum compare to previous lululemon colors. Hopefully these comparisons will help!
Ultra violet (left) versus regal plum (right): you can see here that while the shades are very similar and definitely both in the “magenta” category, regal plum is a bit darker, though it’s not nearly as dark as (plain) plum. From what I’ve seen, regal plum is closer to UV than it is to any other lulu color. [Thanks to Agent R for this photo]
Electric coral (bra) versus very light flare (shorts): this photo points out that electric coral does have some pretty strong orange tones, although it’s more pink than VLF and not a true orange or a true red. It’s, well, an electric shade of coral I guess. ;) [Thanks to Agent G for this photo]
Holy shit- I NEED that regal plum crb in my life.