Shameless plug time! The subject pretty much says it all. More fabulous bloggyness in other places on the internet, hooray! Head over to IG to follow me if that's your jam. @agentathletica [alpine-phototile-for-instagram id=259 user="agentathletica" src="user_recent" imgl="instagram" style="wall" row="4" size="Th" num="4" border="1" highlight="1" align="center" max="100"] ...
AA Official Launch Giveaway!!! Feat. Secret Garden Bang Buster
[The giveaway has concluded. Thank you to all who entered!] After spending an incredible amount of time working out kinks and getting everything all nice and pretty, the Agent Athletica blog is now officially live for its public debut!! What better way to celebrate than with a giveaway! Who doesn't love free lulu? Haters, that's who. Don't be a hater. I hand-picked this Secret Garden ...