In this try-on review: - Nightfall diamond jacquard space dye rolldown wunder under pants - Prisma inkwell rolldown wunder under pants - Deepest cranberry wunder under pants - Deepest cranberry passion crops For tops try-ons, see part 1. Item: passion crops Color: deepest cranberry Sizing: wearing a 4, somewhere between TTS and size up for me My store didn't have deepest cranberry in ...
Try-On Reviews Pt. 1: Think Fast + Fluffed Up Vest + Pranayama Scarf + More
In this try-on review: - Think fast long sleeve (boom juice) - Think fast pullover (black herringbone) - Fluffed up vest (boom juice) - Open your heart long sleeve ii (deep zinfandel/winter orchid) - Wrap it up sweater (black grape) - Seize the day jacket (fuel green) - Pranayama scarf (deep coal/deepest cranberry plaid) For my bottoms try-ons, see part 2. As I mentioned yesterday, I ...
Menthol Swiftly Long Sleeve + Sculpt Tank + More
[Lululemon Trolley Square] New swiftly long sleeve in heathered menthol. [Lululemon Northbrook Court] [Lululemon Summerlin] Boom juice sculpt tank plus a little bit of pigment blue and geo soul. [Lululemon Shops at La Cantera] Deepest cranberry plaid pranayama scarf. [Lululemon Georgetown] Nightfall pranayama scarf, marled cardi all day sweater, and blissed out toque. ...
Upload 11/11: Lots of Speeds + More Fluffs + Pigment Houndstooth Weekend Warrior??
Hello interwebz friends! I know you've all been obsessively reloading my site waiting with baited breath for my posts for today. ...Ok, maybe not. Anyway, I was MIA because we drove down to the "big city" today for what is apparently my once-per-season pilgrimage to lulu-land. The drive between lulu-land and home is basically through the middle of nowhere (literally, just vast expanses of ...
New Cardi All Day + Blissed Out Toques + Fluffed Up Pullover + More
Boom juice fluffed up pullover. [Lululemon Oakridge] Deep zinfandel/winter orchid open your heart long sleeve ii and nightfall diamond jacquard space dye rolldown wunder under pants. Deep zinfandel does the opposite of bring out the purple in nightfall--seems to make it look more muted. [Lululemon Shadyside] Blissed out toques in boom juice and pigment blue. [Pic courtesy of Agent ...
New Rolldown WUs in Stores + Open Your Heart LS ii + More
Prisma inkwell rolldown wunder under pants are in stores (this from the US). [Lululemon Naperville] The open your heart long sleeve ii (deep zinfandel/winter orchid here) and the nightfall diamond jacquard space dye rolldown wunder under pants also are in stores. You can see the new blissed out circle scarf here, too. [Lululemon Naperville] New blissed out leg warmers. [Lululemon ...