Big upload for running gear tonight. Tons of printed bottoms, mostly, plus quite a few tops. There were some layers and yoga pieces mixed in there, but it was definitely run-focused overall. Another low-temptation night for me since the things I would've been tempted by were either disappointing or not uploaded to the US side. First disappointment of upload: the rest less pullover. We had ...
Asia Pacific Upload: Deepest Cranberry Speed Tights + Scoop Back LS
A couple new things on the Asia Pacific region's upload just now: I realize it's incredibly random, but I actually love this new scoop back long sleeve. It's only available in black on HK side. It's made of luon and comes in sizes 2-10. Brushed deepest cranberry speed tights. The movement jacket might be coming back? This white is the only color right now. I think it's new ...
New Sparkle Speeds And Run Times + Feelin’ Frosty Softshell + More
New sparkle/glitter shorts: black sparkle speed shorts and neutral blush/blue run times shorts. Not sure of the exact colors in the run times. [Pic courtesy of Agent M] [Lululemon Chestnut Hill] White feelin' frosty softhshell. [Lululemon Grand Ave] New heathered grey speed tights. Not sure of the exact grey--heathered slate maybe. [Lululemon Boca Town Center] Note the new ...
Black Grape/Nightfall Herringbone Vinyasa Coming Tonight (for US)
Pretty self-explanatory title and pic, but from a heylululemon thread, there will be a black grape/nightfall herringbone vinyasa coming on upload tonight! Just the US will get it tonight though, Canada won't til next week. This colorway should look like this, but in vinyasa form: ...
Cozy Car Coat + Golden Goddess City Tank + Think Fast Colors
New cozy car coat (layered over the mini prisma cool racerback). [Lululemon Center 1] Inkwell 105F singlet over the ultra violet free to be wild bra. [Lululemon Saskatoon] Golden goddess cashew multi city tank details. [Lululemon Wayne] Think fast tank colors. [Lululemon Wayne] New think fast long sleeve colors. [Lululemon Wayne] ...
Ultra Violet Think Fast LS + Flurry Fighter Tights + Black Friday Sneak Peek
[Lululemon Center 1] New heathered ultra violet think fast long sleeve and flurry fighter tights are in stores. The flurry fighters are tech fleece and I've seen a couple people rave about them already. [Lululemon Fashion Place] A couple stores have posted this little black friday preview. I see a new long line bra, but not sure what the prints here are. Might be bead envy, might be ...