Pigment blue fluffed up jacket. [Lululemon King Street] Boom juice fluffed up pullover. [Lululemon Greenwich] Pigment blue fluffed up jacket. [Lululemon Greenwich] [Lululemon Saskatoon] Boom juice fluffed up pullover. [Lululemon King Street] Inkwell fluffed up vest. [Lululemon King Street] ...
Activewear News
Menthol Swiftly Long Sleeve + Sculpt Tank + More
[Lululemon Trolley Square] New swiftly long sleeve in heathered menthol. [Lululemon Northbrook Court] [Lululemon Summerlin] Boom juice sculpt tank plus a little bit of pigment blue and geo soul. [Lululemon Shops at La Cantera] Deepest cranberry plaid pranayama scarf. [Lululemon Georgetown] Nightfall pranayama scarf, marled cardi all day sweater, and blissed out toque. ...
Upload 11/11: Lots of Speeds + More Fluffs + Pigment Houndstooth Weekend Warrior??
Hello interwebz friends! I know you've all been obsessively reloading my site waiting with baited breath for my posts for today. ...Ok, maybe not. Anyway, I was MIA because we drove down to the "big city" today for what is apparently my once-per-season pilgrimage to lulu-land. The drive between lulu-land and home is basically through the middle of nowhere (literally, just vast expanses of ...
New Cardi All Day + Blissed Out Toques + Fluffed Up Pullover + More
Boom juice fluffed up pullover. [Lululemon Oakridge] Deep zinfandel/winter orchid open your heart long sleeve ii and nightfall diamond jacquard space dye rolldown wunder under pants. Deep zinfandel does the opposite of bring out the purple in nightfall--seems to make it look more muted. [Lululemon Shadyside] Blissed out toques in boom juice and pigment blue. [Pic courtesy of Agent ...
New Rolldown WUs in Stores + Open Your Heart LS ii + More
Prisma inkwell rolldown wunder under pants are in stores (this from the US). [Lululemon Naperville] The open your heart long sleeve ii (deep zinfandel/winter orchid here) and the nightfall diamond jacquard space dye rolldown wunder under pants also are in stores. You can see the new blissed out circle scarf here, too. [Lululemon Naperville] New blissed out leg warmers. [Lululemon ...
Asia Pacific Upload: Nightfall Diamond Jacquard WUs + New Shorts
Sure enough, Asia Pacific upload is early today too! This leaves me to wonder whether North America's upload will also happen today? Tomorrow is Veteran's Day in the US and Remembrance Day in Canada so lulu may be observing that by moving upload ahead by a day. Anyway, if there's something you really, really want on this week's upload, I would check at upload time tonight just in case. I know ...