An article on has official pics previewing the special edition Black Friday collection: Shine tights with glitter overlay and gold sequin long line bra. This special edition sequin print actually reminds me a lot of Onzie's gold coin print. Gold sequin jacket. Another baseball jacket, ugh. More pics of the long line bra, 3d wunder unders, and gold sequin sweats of some ...
Activewear News
Europe Upload Notes: More Ultra Violet Coming
I didn't see the European upload go up until it was basically time for North America's (unless it went up earlier and my browser was an idiot). The nice thing about that is now it's easier for me to go through and let you know what they got that we haven't seen yet: Heathered marled ultra violet scuba hoodie. Ultra violet speed shorts. UV is shaping up to be a pretty major color for ...
Upload 11/25: Major Run Focus + Ruined Vinyasa + Rest Less Sadness
Big upload for running gear tonight. Tons of printed bottoms, mostly, plus quite a few tops. There were some layers and yoga pieces mixed in there, but it was definitely run-focused overall. Another low-temptation night for me since the things I would've been tempted by were either disappointing or not uploaded to the US side. First disappointment of upload: the rest less pullover. We had ...
Asia Pacific Upload: Deepest Cranberry Speed Tights + Scoop Back LS
A couple new things on the Asia Pacific region's upload just now: I realize it's incredibly random, but I actually love this new scoop back long sleeve. It's only available in black on HK side. It's made of luon and comes in sizes 2-10. Brushed deepest cranberry speed tights. The movement jacket might be coming back? This white is the only color right now. I think it's new ...
New Sparkle Speeds And Run Times + Feelin’ Frosty Softshell + More
New sparkle/glitter shorts: black sparkle speed shorts and neutral blush/blue run times shorts. Not sure of the exact colors in the run times. [Pic courtesy of Agent M] [Lululemon Chestnut Hill] White feelin' frosty softhshell. [Lululemon Grand Ave] New heathered grey speed tights. Not sure of the exact grey--heathered slate maybe. [Lululemon Boca Town Center] Note the new ...
Black Grape/Nightfall Herringbone Vinyasa Coming Tonight (for US)
Pretty self-explanatory title and pic, but from a heylululemon thread, there will be a black grape/nightfall herringbone vinyasa coming on upload tonight! Just the US will get it tonight though, Canada won't til next week. This colorway should look like this, but in vinyasa form: ...