The breezy tank is showing up in Canada stores in these 3 colors. Presumably there will be grey also, as shown on Britt’s picks last week. I’m interested to see this tank on more people to see how it falls. I do kind of like it, but don’t think I would pay lulu prices for it.
One of the colors is pretty purple. Not sure what the green stripe is.
Stress less hoodie colors, including heathered plum peach.
Also in stores: new keep it tight socks. $38 a pair!
[Thanks to Agent R for the pics in this post!]
I don’t know why but this stuff is reallllly striking me as so young and cheesy looking. The spring fling windbreaker was a possibility until I saw that ruffle at the bottom. I couldn’t wear that with a straight face and I’m in my (late :-/ ) twenties, who’s going to wear it?
I feel that way about prism petal and atomic floral (mostly the atomic red)–it’s a little ivivva-ish to me. I don’t think the spring fling ruffles are too bad, personally. But yeah, I do everything I can to look like an adult. I’m pretty sure I still look like I’m in high school otherwise. :P
The curse of the size 2! Although recently I’m getting called “m’am” a lot.
It was the worst when I was in college and had braces. I looked like I was effing 12. Besides being small, I *still* don’t have a very mature-looking face, lol. At least I have makeup to help me out.