Lululemon has been dropping a ton of styles in their new special edition print: dottie tribe. It's a hand-drawn pattern with a ton of detail. I jumped right on the dottie tribe bandwagon! It has all the things I love in a pattern: geometric yet feminine, neutral, detailed, and unique. This pattern is lululemon at its best, if you ask me. I picked up a pair of the wunder under pants as well ...
Activewear Reviews | Workout Fashion | Adventure
How to Afford Luxury Workout Clothes on a Budget
When I first discovered lululemon--aka my "gateway drug" to fancy spandex--I wasn’t exactly living in the lap of luxury. I was a graduate student living off a meager stipend. Even when my income has been incredibly low, I've made a point to get creative with how I spend my money. I’m sure I’m not the only one who's been in the predicament of wanting fabulous things, but being stuck with a tight ...
Where to Find Stylish, Quality Plus-Size Workout Clothes
Wearing workout clothes that make you feel good makes a huge difference in your motivation and confidence. That's true of women of all sizes! More active fashion brands are taking note and stepping up to the plate by offering an extended range of sizing options. No matter your size, you don't have to be relegated to frumpy old t-shirts or baggy thrift store shorts. Here's where you can find ...
A Little Dirt Never Hurt
A couple weeks ago, I bought and reviewed a pair of white crops. Buying white clothing is pretty risky all by itself. But then I did something even crazier: I wore those white crops on a hike. Outside. In the dirt. Yes, they got dirty, but nothing that didn't come out in the wash. I wore them because I wanted to, and I tried not to worry about the fact that they're white. (Side note: I also ...
What Love Means to Me
As I've grown up, life has defined and redefined what it means to love and be loved many times. When I was younger, I had this expectation stubbornly lodged in my mind that true love means everything flows naturally. I thought that true love meant that everything in the relationship would fit together and just work. I thought that with the right person, we would move ...