A couple weeks ago, I wrote about buyer's remorse and how to avoid it. I included a few tips designed to help you stay away from bad purchases. But of course, the reality is that even with the best intentions, less-than-ideal choices still happen. No one's perfect! What do you do when it's too late and you're stuck with a bad buy? Here are a couple tips for dealing with buyer's remorse once ...
Activewear Reviews | Workout Fashion | Adventure
One Simple Rule for Cultivating Self-Confidence
[ezcol_1half] [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end][/ezcol_1half_end] "Sorry about the breakouts." "Please excuse the awkward pose." "Sorry for the messy hair." "Sorry for the belly fluff." I used to say things like this all the time, and I see other women using these little disclosures all the time, too. When I started writing this blog, I noticed how often I wanted to say ...
Active Fashion Has a Stealing Problem
Activewear ripoffs. We need to talk about them. Knockoffs have been a problem in fashion for ages, but it's only recently started to infiltrate the world of active fashion. As the activewear market has grown by leaps and bounds, businesses are on the lookout for easy ways to cash in on this popular niche. Producing and selling copycats of successful active designs is emerging as a ...
Active Fashion for Women, by Women: Alala Spring
Today is International Women's Day! In honor of the day, I'm highlighting one of my favorite woman-owned activewear brands: Alala. Despite the raging popularity of women's active fashion, you'd be surprised how many activewear businesses cater to women but are still run by men. Alala was founded by Denise Lee, who still heads up the company. She's joined by a predominately female staff, ...
Hiking The Narrows at Zion in the Winter
The Narrows is one of the most popular, most photographed hikes in Zion National Park. The hike isn't as much of a hike as a wade up and down the Virgin River. Slot canyon walls tower above you, giving it a secluded, other-worldly feel. The first time I went to Zion, we didn't have time to do The Narrows, so the iconic walk was on my "must do" list for the next trip. Last month, my sister ...