Brace yourselves for today's massive Europe product drop!! Heathered poseidon define jacket! (Btw, why aren't her thumbs in the thumbholes?) Dashing purple inspire crops--these are gorgeous!! Speed shorts in jeweled magenta with black trim and a dashing purple waistband. There was one random pair of these seen in a store a week or two--distribution fluke? Anyway, as pretty as jeweled ...
Activewear Reviews | Workout Fashion | Adventure
Party Om Bag + Crosscourt Petal Print + Dottie Dash and Diamond Palm Inspire Crops + More
[Lululemon Annapolis] New party om bag in dottie dash with a cute jeweled magenta strap. This is like the festival bag only...not as attractive? [Lululemon Chestnut Hill] The party om bag comes in solid black too. Also, yes: pigment wave high times are in US stores today! [Lululemon Mall in Columbia] New crosscourt petal print on a free to be bra. [Lululemon Fashion Place] Better pic ...
New Pretty Purple Free to Be Wild Bra + Diamond Jacquard Wunder Under Crops + More
New pretty purple free to be wild bra with gingham straps. Seen in Canada! [Thanks to Agent R for the photo] More of what's new in Canada: Heathered jeweled magenta wunder under crops. I hope this bodes well for a heathered JM CRB!! Unfortunately, reports say these are sheer as can be. New diamond jacquard space dye rolldown wunder under crops. The official color is naval blue/jeweled ...
New in Aus: Ace Spot Jeweled Magenta + Heathered Poseidon CRB + Art Pop Print
Big product drop down under today, as I'm sure there will be everywhere this week! This is the first week of the Aussie winter season, so a lot of winter stuff dropped that likely will never be in North America. There are still a few items, colors, and prints that we ought to see, though! New ace spot jeweled magenta print! Basically, pink leopard. These are top speed crops, all sport ...
New Lululemon: Heathered Magenta Free to be Wild, Define Jacket, and More
New free to be wild bra in heathered jeweled magenta! Also shown is the dottie dash FTBW. [Lululemon Trolley Square] [Lululemon Trolley Square] The heathered jeweled magenta define jacket is arriving in stores. It's really beautiful in these pics, much more vibrant than in the preview pics yesterday. [Lululemon Fashion Place] Poseidon dancing warrior tank. [Lululemon Trolley ...